Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sydney Update - And Maybe Goodbye

Hello all.

too busy to blog these days, so sorry. No time to update blog or facebook or anything. Luckily I dont have twitter yet, or else I would have something else to feel guilty about ignoring.

Good thing is I am paying lots of attention to Cutie and Sweetie, both really growing up quickly.


I wrote the above a few months ago. And never got around to posting it.

It has been 6 months since we moved to sydney, and i have been having a wonderful time with the children. I really truly enjoy the daily challenges of caring for Cutie and Sweetie, planning and cooking tasty nutritious meals for them (and Dear Hubby), taking them out to interesting Sydney attractions, spending time with them.

I have also started reading more cooking blogs, to get ideas on what to cook for the kids etc.

And I stumbled on quite a few blogs whose writers I know. One of which is the wife of an old classmate and ex-colleague, and it was quite revealing!

have come to realise that, blogging really displays a very personal aspect of your life to the public, especially if you like to put up pictures like I do.

When I first started this blog, I didnt intend to post personal photos of myself or the family. However, when cutie and sweetie came along, I was so proud of them and so awed by their cuteness and cleverness that I could not help but post more and more photos of the photogenic pair.

Now, I realise I shouldnt place my family into such public scrutiny. Even mundane things like where we ate or what we did over the weekend might be misconstrued.

DH had always voiced his mild disapproval about this blog because he didnt think it was right to publicise certain things. He however indulges me as much as he can, to the point where he put his objections aside in order for me to pursue my interest in blogging.

Now, however, I think, as cutie and sweetie didnt have a choice or a vote in this, I should err on the side of caution, and therefore, I am considering closing this blog.

What do you think?


purinne said...

oh ... pls dun close ur blog ... i really enjoy readin it :) ...

red fir said...

I will miss reading, Vivien. But I respect your decision whatever you may make.

Chocolate Reindeer said...

purinne: thanks! i started blogging for people like you!

ice: thanks! you've always been v supportive! You are my fave blogger cos you have such wonderful personality.

Anonymous said...

Please don't close...enjoyed reading your stuffs 1/2 way across the world....

Chandelier said...

oh gosh! y u wana close...pls dont! :(